

2021 Black Friday guide: 5 CX strategies for retailers this holiday season

Black Friday (plus Cyber Monday and the many weeks before and after) will be different this holiday season. Retailers will face customers supercharged by digital centricity who are fighting product shortages, higher prices, busy schedules, and holiday craziness.

Inbound vs. outbound contact centre: The right CX destination

Contact centres are built around conversations, and like any good discussion there must be a purpose. Customers expect their experiences with a contact centre to be easy and effective, brands need to deliver on these expectations with the right people and technology.

Let’s explore how two common types of contact centres, inbound and outbound, require the right mix of empathy and innovation to increase satisfaction and loyalty.

Direct Line And Aviva Both Demonstrate How Modern Insurance Requires Transformation

In my work advising on customer experience (CX), I’ve often talked to insurance executives that struggle to connect to their customers. It’s a problem that is fairly unique to insurance, because this is a product nobody really wants to ever need to use. Nobody wants to “enjoy” the process of making a claim. Often the customer doesn’t even want to buy insurance, but it’s mandatory - like auto insurance for anyone driving a car.

Ecommerce vs. brick-and-mortar: Unlocking retail success in 2022

Retail is never set in stone. Success in the industry, be it ecommerce or brick-and-mortar, relies understanding customers’ core values and connecting with the right technology.

Explore how physical and digital spaces can unlock amazing customer experiences (CX) in 2022.

CSAT vs. CES vs. NPS: How to turbocharge key metrics for contact centre success

The contact centre industry is driven by customer experiences that are easy, difficult, joyful, stressful and everything in between. It’s incredibly important to take these everyday interactions from associates and customers and quantify them in a tangible way.

Get the conversation right: Chatbot vs. messaging

Customers want to reach brands on their own terms, whenever, wherever. Chatbot and messaging capabilities are the essential tools needed to provide this 24/7, personalised customer service. But these two platforms aren’t interchangeable.

Outsourcing vs. managed services: Knowing the difference will save you time and money

Outsourcing and managed services are appealing options for many companies at a time when workforces are stretched thin. But don’t be fooled—these terms aren’t interchangeable. Both involve receiving business services from a third party but determining which of the two options is the better fit could make the difference between a thriving company versus just staying afloat.

Could A Transformed Insurance Industry Reflect Customer Lifestyles?

This article summarises a recent white paper I wrote on the insurance industry. You can locate the full version of the white paper on the TTEC website here.

Back office vs. front office: boost productivity between both offices

Delivering great experiences amid the digital transformation

The digital transformation of contact centres has been accelerating at a pace never seen before – jump-started even further by the pandemic.
